Latest Press Releases
Navigate through our latest articles delving deep into pathogenic illnesses and their ramifications on health and well-being
Fri, June 7th 2024
It’s Unfathomable, Children Hospitalized with E.Coli bacteria following Lake Anna Visit.
WASHINGTON (7News) — The Virginia Department of Health (VDH) confirmed with 7News that it is investigating “lab-confirmed cases” of Shiga toxin-producing E. coli bacteria, possibly contracted from the water at Lake Anna over the Memorial Day weekend.
There are currently no advisories against entering the water, but VDH said it “does encourage caution when swimming”.
See Full Article with ABC 7 News
September 2023 Gray TN
Appalachian Fairground Outbreak
BLOUNTVILLE — More than 1,000 elementary school students from three public school systems in Sullivan County potentially were exposed to E. coli on field trips last month, Sullivan County’s head health official said Thursday. See Full Article with Kingsport Times
July 2023 Tennessee/Alabama
Shoal Creak Outbreak
MUSCLE SHOALS, Ala. (WAFF) – Pediatricians in the Shoals are calling on parents to keep a closer eye on kids while they are swimming for the remainder of the summer.
Three patients were seen by Quad Cities Pediatrics after they swam in the Tennessee River and what doctors found is not the usual E. coli case. Doctors and nurses at Quad City Pediatrics said they have treated at least three patients under 10-years-old this month that they believe became ill after swimming in the Tennessee River.
See Full Article with WAFF 48
July 2022 Tennessee
Lucky Ladd Farm Outbreak
EAGLEVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — Lucky Ladd Farms is responding to claims they were negligent after a child died from catching E. coli over the summer.
More than a dozen people got sick and two children needed to be hospitalized this summer, according to a Tennessee Department of Health report. The 2-year-old — who died — picked it up from a sibling that attended the camp on the farm.
Marler is representing the family who lost their 2-year-old child and three other people who got sick after handling baby goats. These families feel like Lucky Ladd Farms needs better safety protocols.